Reality is changing. Revolution is taking charge once more, and the military has once again become a protector of the people, for the people. Governments are checking themselves and their actions in fear and hope combined, and in turn are making a frightening and beautiful world. Dictatorships are crumbling under the voices of the individual protesting for fairness, and Democracy, and the common man is once again turning to art to gain understanding of humanity, and to express his own views. Creative values are triumphing. Mother Nature is reeking havoc on the most powerful and polluted areas, attempting to fight back, but destroying much of the same life she provided. The Gods are questioning us. How did we allow all of this evil into the world? More importantly, how are we planning to cleanse ourselves of it? Poseidon is drowning nuclear intelligence, and swallowing the fuel that had poisoned the ocean barely a year prior due to the lack of good judgment in men. Yet the forests are repopulating at a rapid rate by the hands of human beings using the technology to provide clones of ancient life. Time is coming full circle, not only proving its relativity, but proving the repetitive nature of humanity and nature alike. We will forever be waring with each other, and battling between evolution and devolution. But we must remember the role we play. We must remember that as individuals we are insignificant , but as a whole, we're a substantial threat to our entire existence. And we must accept that nature will fight back; simply because, like good and evil, there must maintain a balance.